2023 Conference
June 15-18, 2023

2023 Conference
Strength Beyond My Own
June 15-18, 2023
Salt Lake City, Utah
Sheraton Salt Lake City Hotel
150 W 500 S, Salt Lake City, UT, 84101
President’s Message
My friends in North Star,
On behalf of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, it is with great joy and excitement that I extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you to the 2023 Annual North Star Conference! As incoming president, it is an honor to spend the next couple of days with you as we seek to find ‘Strength Beyond Our Own.’
This conference serves as a testament to our collective dedication in fostering a community where all individuals, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, can find solace, understanding, and spiritual growth. We firmly believe in the inherent worth of every soul and embrace the differences that enrich our lives and strengthen our faith.
Over the course of the next few days, we have curated a program that promises to enlighten, inspire, and empower. Our speakers, hailing from various backgrounds and experiences, will share their wisdom, knowledge, and insights on the intersection of SSA/LGBT experience and the teachings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Together, we will explore the power of compassion, acceptance, and love, as we strive to live true to the covenants we have made.
This conference is not just an opportunity for learning; it is a time for connection and fellowship. I encourage you to engage with one another, to share your stories, and to find support and understanding in the company of like-minded individuals who share aspects of your unique journey. Let us celebrate the strength and resilience that resides within each of us, as we forge lifelong connections and build a network of love and support.
To each one of you, both familiar faces and new friends, I extend my heartfelt gratitude for your presence. Your commitment to both your faith and your personal experiences serves as an inspiration to us all. By coming together in this sacred space, we affirm the divine worth of every person and affirm that love knows no bounds.
May this conference be a transformative experience, a wellspring of hope, and a catalyst for positive change in our lives and in our world. Together, let us find ‘Strength Beyond Our Own’ guided by the principles of love of God and neighbor and the eternal teachings of our Savior Jesus Christ.
Welcome to our annual conference!
Warmest regards,
Brent Ebmeyer
President, North Star International
Board of Directors
- Jeff Bennion, Board Chairman
- Blake Smith, Treasurer
- Michelle Treadwell, Secretary
- Michael Goodman, Member
- Sarrah Hurst Groves, Member
- Rosa Chacon Lauper, Member
- Ty Mansfield, Member
- Monica Phillips, Member
- Lana Garfield, Member
- Brigit Adams, Member
(Current List of Board Members)
Executive Committee
- Brent Ebmeyer, President
- Vaughn Armstrong, Senior Vice President
- Heidi Applegarth, VP, Marketing & Communications
- Dana Hudrlik, VP, IT & Web Development
- Rebecca Silva, Co-VP, Online Communities
- Jennyfer Gaede, VP, Online Communities
- Aaron & Emily Carter, Co-VP, Community Events
- Keven Harris, Director, Branding & Design
- Myrna Moll, Director, Women’s Community
(Current List of Executive Committee Members)
Conference Committee
- Brent Ebmeyer, Conference Co-Chair
- Courtney Ebmeyer, conference Co-Chair & Program Lead
- Becky Mackintosh, Youth Track Chair
- Brigit Adams, Logistics Lead
- Denise Smith, Registration Lead
- Vaughn Armstrong, Socials Lead
- Kathi Hacking, Volunteers Lead
- Debby & Robert Jackson, Bookstore Leads
- Stephen Forsyth, Mentor Leads
Conference Program
Keynote Speakers
Jenet Erickson
Friday Morning
Preston & Cheri Jenkins
Friday Afternoon
Reyna Aburto
Saturday Morning
7:30am - 8:45am Registration/Munch & Mingle Breakfast
9:00am - 10:15am Opening Session
Conducting: Spencer Thompson
Hymn: All Creatures of Our God and King, #62
Musical Number: Dallyn Vail Bayles
Keynote Speaker: [Presentation] Jenet Erickson
10:30am - 12:00pm Breakout Session 1
- Wasatch: How to Trust God So Completely You Have No Fear
Presenter: Kim Giles
Target Demographic: General - Powder Mtn/Solitude/Sundance: Arousal Vs. Desire: A War That Rages, Part 1
Presenter: Doug Carpenter
Target Demographic: SSA Men - Deer Valley: Normalizing Your Mixed Orientation Marriage
Presenters: Nathan Hessing & Cristin Hessing
Target Demographic: Spouses - Brighton/Alta: Building Bridges of Understanding
Presentesr: Tanya Bennion, Jenn Curtis, David Fisher, & Bryan Hill
Target Demographic: General - Snowbird: Parents of Gender Identity: Connecting With Each Other For Support & Understanding
Presenters: Monica Phillips & Becky Belnap
Target Demographic: CLOSED DOOR: Parents - Sidewinder: How the Armor of God Helps Me With My SSA
Presenter: Kyla Hiser & Myrna Moll
Target Demographic: SSA Women
12:15pm - 1:15pm Lunch
1:30pm - 2:30pm Breakout Session 2
- Wasatch: Called To Serve With Authenticity
Presenter: Shane Carpenter
Target Demographic: Church Leaders - Powder Mtn/Solitude/Sundance: Arousal Vs. Desire: An Action Plan, Part 2
Presenter: Doug Carpenter
Target Demographic: CLOSED DOOR: SSA Men - Deer Valley: How to Connect With Our Kids in a Meaningful Way Without Compromising Our Values
Presenter: Janae Monson
Target Demographic: Parents/Family - Brighton/Alta: The Future of the North Star Women’s Group
Presenter: Myrna Moll, Other North Star Leadership & Moderators
Target Demographic: SSA Women - Snowbird: How To Find Peace in Your Personal Journey While Navigating Gender Complexities
Presenter: Victoria Adam, Owen Barrott
Target Demographic: Transgender - Sidewinder: Allowing Gratitude and Grief to Coexist
Presenter: Jewel Busch
Target Demographic: General
2:45pm - 3:45pm Breakout Session 3
- Wasatch: Healing Shame Through Mindfulness, Self-Compassion, and the Light of Christ
Presenter: Dr. Juliann Jeppsen
Target Demographic: General - Powder Mtn/Solitude/Sundance: Restoration Sexuality: Rising Above Harmful, Limiting Beliefs to Live God’s Expansive Design
Presenter: Jeff Bennion
Target Demographic: SSA Men - Deer Valley: 5 Steps for Creating A Safe Space for Our LGBTQIA+ Loved Ones
Presenter: Sarah Matthews, Emily McAllister
Target Demographic: Parents/Family - Brighton/Alta: How To Be More Seen and Heard By My Spouse
Presenter: LaNell Moore
Panelists: Daniel & Emma Atwell, Jana & David Borgholthaus, Tyler Moore
Target Demographic: Spouse - Snowbird: Building Zion Relationships: Resolving the Obstacles to Being One With God, Ourselves, and Each Other
Presenter: Forrest Call, Kimberly Davis
Target Demographic: General - Sidewinder: Identifying First As A Child of God
Presenter: Dawn Michelle
Target Demographic: Transgender
4:00pm - 5:45pm General Session
Conducting: Jeff Bennion
President’s Address: [Presentation] Brent Ebmeyer, President, North Star International
Keynote Speakers: [Presentation] Preston Jenkins & Cheri Jenkins
Musical Number: I’ll Go Where You Want Me To Go, by Johnny Bowers
Hymn: Where Can I Turn for Peace, #129
7:30am - 8:45am Registration/Meet & Greet
9:00am - 10:15am General Session
Conducting: Brent Ebmeyer
Hymn: I Know That My Redeemer Lives, #136
Musical Number: Lord, I Would Follow Thee, by North Star Conference Choir, cond. by Vaughn Armstrong, acc. by Spencer Stevens
Keynote Speaker: [Presentation] Reyna Aburto
10:30am - 12:00pm Breakout Session 4
- Wasatch: Exclude Not Thyself: Learning to Love Your Masculinity and Remove Self-Inflicted Barriers To Gospel Living
Presenter: Skyler Sorenson
Target Demographic: SSA Men - Powder Mtn/Solitude/Sundance: 5 Simple Strategies to Family Calm: A Parent’s Guide to Establishing Loving Boundaries and Managing Stress
Presenter: Beth Young
Target Demographic: Parents/Family - Deer Valley: Transforming Your Ministry: Connecting Through and Understanding Gender Identity
Presenter: Monica Phillips
Target Demographic: Church Leaders - Brighton/Alta: Why I Stay
Presenter: Jenn Curtis
Panelilst: Karen Dufresne, Tami Wright
Target Demographic: SSA Women - Snowbird: Mental Empowerment Increases Individual Wholeness as Children Of Our Heavenly Father
Presenter: Dr. Christy Kane
Target Demographic: General - Sidewinder: When Choices Don’t Align: Staying On the Covenant Path When Your Spouse Doesn’t
Presenter: Maryann Broberg
Target Demographic: Spouses
12:15pm - 1:15pm Lunch
1:30pm - 2:30pm Breakout Session 5
- Wasatch: The Atonement of Jesus Christ in Action
Presenter: Tonya Cox
Target Demographic: General - Powder Mtn/Solitude/Sundance: Forging Friendship
Presenter: Myrna Moll
Target Demographic: CLOSED DOOR: SSA Women - Deer Valley: Finding Christ at the Crossroads
Presenter: Vaughn Armstrong
Target Demographic: General - Brighton/Alta: How to Help and Guide My Single LGBTQ Members in My Ward/Stake
Presenter: Kurt Francom
Panelists: Johnny Bowers, Jim Kasen, Karen Dufresne
Target Demographic: Church Leaders - Snowbird: How to Heal Using the Trauma Model
Presenter: Tera Brown, Tamara Lichfield
Target Demographic: Spouses/Couples - Sidewinder: Here a Little and There a Little, Ways Lighted a Footstep or Two
Presenter: Justine Bingham
Target Demographic: Transgender
2:45pm - 3:45pm Breakout Session 6
- Wasatch: Lessons Learned From Serving in North Star Over 10 Years
Presenter: Spencer Thompson, Dr. Jeff Case
Target Demographic: General - Powder Mtn/Solitude/Sundance: Seeing Myself in the Family Proclamation as a Single Gay Man
Presenter: Alex Lindstrom
Target Demographic: SSA Men - Deer Valley: North Star Relief Society
Presenter: Tanya Bennion, Jenn Curtis
Target Demographic: SSA Women, Spouses of SSA Men - Brighton/Alta: Having Empathy When Your LGBTQ Loved One Makes Choices That Don’t Align With Your Faith
Presenter: Debby Jackson
Panelist: Dana Hudrlik, Susie Cushing, Dr. Russell Gaede, Jeni Davis
Target Demographic: Parents/Family - Snowbird: Discovering Christ’s Perfecting Power in the Imperfect Space of Gender
Presenter: David Smurthwaite
Target Demographic: Transgender - Sidewinder: The A in LGBTQIA
Presenter: Nikki Andreasky
Target Demographic: General
4:00pm - 6:00pm Closing Session
Conducting: Rosa Lauper-Chacon
Musical Keynote Performer: The Bonner Family
Hymn: Press Forward Saints, #81
9:00am - 11:30am Experience Sharing Session
Opening Hymn: Did You Think to Pray, #140
Closing Hymn: I Need Thee Every Hour, #98