Spencer Thompson
Spencer currently lives in Salt Lake City, UT and served as President of North Star International from 2020-2023. He also was heavily involved in the conference planning from its inception 10 years ago and has such a love and passion for this community. His experience with same-sex attraction has become one of his greatest teachers and helped him foster a deep and powerful connection to Jesus Christ. Spencer currently serves as the 1st Counselor in the Bishopric of his ward and he is excited to share thoughts on how to best minister to LGBTQ members in our wards, stakes, and communities.
- 2025: Q&A With North Star Presidents About Their Experience in Church Leadership: A Panel Discussion for Church Leaders
- 2024: Ministering to Our LGBT Members and Their Families
- 2023: Lessons Learned From Serving in North Star Over 10 Years
- 2022: President’s Address
- 2022: Viewing Your Same-Sex Attraction as a Superpower
- 2021: President’s Address
- 2020: President’s Address