
Brent Ebmeyer

Brent grew up the youngest of nine kids in a small desert town in Southern California. When he was about 12 years old, he knew that he was attracted to boys. However, with his testimony and upbringing in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints he kept his attractions hidden. It wasn’t until he shared those feelings with Courtney a year into their marriage, that he realized the importance of being open to himself and others. After years of working through their journey privately, he and Courtney began being public about their journey and have experienced an outpouring of love and support. His desire to help Church leaders and others understand and better meet the needs of members who may feel marginalized has deepened his testimony of the love that God has for all of His children.

Brent and Courtney Ebmeyer are native Californians and have been members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints their whole lives.  Brent served a mission in the Argentina Buenos Aires South Mission, while Courtney served hers in the Alabama Birmingham Mission.  They are grateful for the experiences on their missions that grounded them in the gospel of Jesus Christ.  They met in 2002 while living in Utah and were married in 2004.  They have 5 children and currently serve in stake and ward leadership callings, respectively.

A year after they were sealed in the Oakland temple, Brent shared his most intimate secret with his bride: he experiences same-sex attraction.  It took them to the brink of separation, but through consistent communication, compassion, and love, they have been able to navigate the uncharted path of remaining active in the church in a mixed-orientation marriage.  They find strength and feel the Savior’s love through sharing their story with others.  They know that Heavenly Father is mindful of all of his children, and He wants them to find joy and be happy regardless of the trials or burdens that are placed on their paths in this mortal journey.
