
Preston Jenkins

Preston was born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada, as the second of nine children. His parents’ faith in Jesus Christ served as an anchor throughout his childhood in an increasingly promiscuous society. As a gay man, he wrestled with his faith in his early twenties but ultimately made the decision to pursue the covenant path prescribed by God through his prophets. He married his best friend, Taryn, in 2021. So far they have one daughter and live in Lehi, Utah. Preston has a bachelor’s from BYU-Idaho in Marriage and Family Advocacy and is the author of “This Boy and His Mother – Healing from Trauma as a Gay Latter-day Saint”. He has spoken at myriad LDS events, co-hosted and guested on many podcasts, and has presented at interfaith events and a parallel conference at the United Nations. Preston insists that our best selves are found on the covenant path outlined in Heavenly Father’s Plan of Salvation. It’s the path Jesus Christ took; will we follow Him? His website is

Preston is the son spoken of in Elder Holland’s 2015 General Conference talk titled, Behold Thy Mother.” Preston is the “young man who entered the mission field worthily but by his own choice returned home early due to same-sex attraction and some trauma he experienced in that regard…” After completing his mission, he returned to Utah and thoroughly enjoyed three miraculous years as a teacher at the MTC.
