2022 Conference

June 9-11, 2022

2022 Conference
One in Christ

June 9-11, 2022
Salt Lake City, Utah

Sheraton Salt Lake City Hotel
150 W 500 S, Salt Lake City, UT, 84101


President’s Message

My beloved brothers and sisters,

On behalf of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, I welcome you to the 2022 North Star Conference. Please know that you are among friends who love you dearly and who share your desire to live the gospel of Jesus Christ. Please know that you have all been prayed and fasted for in the hopes that you will walk away from this conference with more hope, connection to others and a deeper relation to our Savior Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Parents. Working through the challenges surrounding sexuality and gender within the context of faith can be a challenging and overwhelming journey at times. Know that there is hope and that you are not alone as you strive to walk this path. Also know that no matter what or wherever your journey takes you, your Savior Jesus Christ will be with you every step of the way. The theme for this year’s conference is “One in Christ.” My experience of same-sex attraction has enabled me to truly come to know my Savior and become more united and one with Him, which has become the greatest blessing of my life. Our individual and collective experiences here at this conference and within our North Star Community can all bring us closer to Him and to one another as we all seek to become “One in Christ.”

The Conference Committee and North Star Leadership have spent hundreds of hours diligently seeking the Spirit of the Lord to make the conference what it needs to be this year. I encourage you to take advantage of the amazing keynote addresses that will be given and the wide variety of breakout sessions that will address more of the specific needs of each demographic. Also, take time to sit and listen to another person’s story. There is power when we take the time to sit and listen to one another and I challenge all of us to take that time with others during this conference. Know of my deep respect, admiration, and love for each and every one of you. And more importantly, know of our Savior’s love for you. Know He is walking this path with you and that you are never alone when you are with Christ.

With love, warmth, and blessings,

Spencer Thompson

President, North Star International


Board of Directors

  • Jeff Bennion, Board Co-Chair
  • Becky Mackintosh, Board Co-Chair
  • Bree Borrowman, Secretary
  • Blake Smith, Treasurer
  • Brigit Adams, Member
  • Bennett Borden, Member
  • Kurt Francom, Member
  • Michael Goodman, Member
  • Sarrah Hurst Groves, Member
  • Tember Harward, Member
  • Rosa Chacon Lauper, Member
  • Ty Mansfield, Member
  • Monica Phillips, Member
(Current List of Board Members)

Executive Committee

  • Spencer Thompson, President
  • Liv Mendoza Haynes, Executive Vice President
  • Jeff Case, Senior Vice President
  • Miranda Stewart, VP, Marketing & Communications
  • Erick Hacking, VP, Regional Communities
  • Rebecca Silva, Co-VP, Online Communities
  • Jennyfer Gaede, Co-VP, Online Communities
  • Jeni Davis, Co-VP, Community Events
  • Jarry Lozano, Co-VP, Community Events
  • Meghan Decker, VP, Director of Content
(Current List of Executive Committee Members)

Conference Committee

  • Brent Ebmeyer, Co-Chair
  • Courtney  Ebmeyer, Co-Chair
  • Becky Mackintosh, Youth Track Chair
  • Brigit Adams, Logistics Lead
  • Denise Smith, Registration Lead
  • Monica Phillilps, Program Lead
  • Vaughn Armstrong, Socials Lead
  • Kathi Hacking, Volunteers Lead
  • Debby & Robert Jackson, Bookstore Leads
  • Lana Garfield, Mentor Lead
  • Dana Hudrlik, Webmaster

Conference Program

Keynote Speakers

Shannon Rants

Friday Morning

Jenny Oaks Baker & Family Four

Friday Afternoon

Jared Halverson

Saturday Morning

Panel Discussion

Saturday Afternoon


7:30am - 8:45am Registration/Munch & Mingle Breakfast
9:00am - 10:15am Opening Session
Conducting: Spencer Thompson
Hymn: Did You Think to Pray, #120
Musical Number: Make Us One, by Spencer Stevens
Keynote Speaker: [Presentation] Shannon Rants
10:30am - 12:00pm Breakout Session 1
12:15pm - 1:15pm Lunch
1:30pm - 2:30pm Breakout Session 2
2:45pm - 3:45pm Breakout Session 3
4:00pm - 6:00pm General Session
Conducting: Jeff Bennion
President’s Address: [Presentation] Spencer Thompson, President, North Star International
Musical Keynote Performance: [Presentation] Jenny Oaks Baker & Family Four
Hymn: Be Still My Soul, #124


7:30am-8:45am Registration/Meet & Greet
9:00am - 10:15am General Session

Conducting: Brigit Adams
Musical Number: North Star Conference Choir, conducted by Cecil Sullivan
Keynote Speaker: [Presentation] Jared Halverson

10:30am - 12:00pm Breakout Session 4
12:15pm - 1:15pm Lunch
1:30pm - 2:30pm Breakout Session 5
  1. Wasatch: Finding Committed Community in Singleness
    Presenter: Pieter Valk
    Target Demographic: Single
  2. Powder Mtn/Solitude/Sundance: Ministering to Our Transgender Members: Panel Discussion for Church Leaders
    Moderator: Bennett Borden
    Panelists: Nikki Andreasky, Bree Borrowman, Lindsay Boud, Amanda Flood
    Target Demographic: Church Leaders, Gender Identity/Trans
  3. Deer Valley: Building Community-Bringing All Unto Zion
    Presenter: Erick Hacking, Tember Harward
    Target Demographic: General
  4. Brighton/Alta: Finding Strength in Christ: The Light That Leads Us Through Our Wilderness
    Presenter: Annalee Kelly, Monica Phillips
    Target Demographic: Parents
  5. Snowbird: Owning Your Sexuality in a Mixed Orientation Marriage
    Presenters: Heidi Applegarth
    Target Demographic:  Couples, Married, Spouses
  6. Sidewinder: Delighting in Sexual Complementarity: Fulfilling the Divine Purpose Sexually with Your Wife
    Presenters: Pret Dahlgren
    Target Demographic:  CLOSED DOOR: Married Men
2:45pm - 3:45pm Breakout Session 6
4:00pm - 6:00pm Closing Session

Conducting: Dr. Ty Mansfield
Musical Number: Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone), by Jeff Bennion & Tanya Bennion, accompanied by Vaughn Armstrong
Keynote Speaker: [Presentation] Moderated by Becky Borden, Panelists: Meghan Decker, Joseph Stith, +1
Closing Hymn: Lead Kindly Light, #97


9:00am-11:30am Post-Conference Sharing Session
Conducting: Brent Ebmeyer
Opening Hymn: I Am A Child of God, #301
Closing Hymn: How Firm a Foundation, #85