2023: Identifying First as a Child of God

Session Description: This session will help to get a better sense of one’s inner compass defining who we are, not what we are. No matter the letter you identify with as your label, this may possibly add a different perspective to help find acceptance and meaning...

2023: How to Be More Seen and Heard by My Spouse

Session Description: Is it possible to thrive in a mixed-sexuality relationship? In a culture that questions it, come listen as three couples share stories and insights from their own marriages, highlighting applicable principles for happiness that can help any couple...

2024: North Star Relief Society: No More “-ites” Among Us

Session Description: It’s easy to stay in our comfort zones with our “tribes” that we form. However, there’s understanding to be found as we lay down our labels, focusing on our beautiful similarities, and then reaching out into the world with our new perspective....