2024: Connection Through Shared Experience

Session Description: Hear from individuals who live with gender dysphoria and learn how they have stayed close to God throughout their journeys. In this closed-door session for individuals who experience gender dysphoria, the audience will have a chance to share their...

2024: Jennifer Kemp, My Story

Session Description: Jennifer will be speaking from a personal perspective as she shares her own personal story of same-sex attraction. At the age of 35, she had a profound life-changing experience which lead her away from her gay life and back into the Church. Target...

2024: Conflict in the Home: Your LGBTQ Journey Through the Eyes (and Heart) of Your Child

Session Description: Navigating the intersection of getting our needs met and honoring our sacred stewardship of meeting the needs of our children can be tough, even in calm waters. What do we do then when the waters become troubled and the storms of pain, bitterness,...

2024: Faith to Move Mountains, Friday Morning Keynote

Session Description: The human weakness God gifts to each of us is our path to increased character and spiritual power if we humble ourselves and have faith in Him. Wendy asks the audience to ponder 3 questions. How can I have an authentic, trusting relationship with...

2024: Maintaining Your Own Identity

Session Description: While your spouse is on a journey of self-discovery it can feel impossible to maintain your own identity. This becomes even more difficult when your spouse is working through their own gender identity. This closed door session will provide a...