north Star archive
Keynote & Breakout Sessions
2022: Thriving as Single Men in a Family-Oriented Church
Session Description: Whether it’s wondering how to meaningfully contribute to Elders Quorum lessons about marriage and fatherhood or navigating well-intentioned ‘set-up’ attempts, single men in the...
2022: Navigating the Journey of Faith
Session Description: Faith is not a static condition or a constant state, but a living relationship, an ongoing metamorphosis, a journey of peaks and valleys. In this breakout session we will...
2022: Delighting in Sexual Complementarity: Fulfilling the Divine Purpose of Sexuality With Your Wife
Session Description: The body’s largest sex organ, the brain, often gets in the way of sexual fulfillment with your wife. In fact, performance focused sex can induce anxiety, stifling your body,...
2022: Finding Strength in Christ: The Light That Leads Us Through Our Wilderness
Session Description: As a parent of LGBTQ kids, do you ever wonder if you’ll see the light at the end of the tunnel, or if there is really a green meadow on the other side of the dense, dark forest?...
2022: Owning Your Sexuality in a Mixed Orientation Marriage
Session Description: Knowing the statistics of mixed-orientation marriages can make our circumstances feel impossible. Hearing comments like “I could never be married to someone who’s not attracted...
2022: Ministering to Our Transgender Members: Panel Discussion for Church Leaders
Session Description: In this session you will hear from panelists who are transgender or non-binary, and parents, and their experience as members of The Church and with local Church leaders. We know...
2022: Building Community – Bringing All Unto Zion
Session Description: A discussion on practical actions LGBTQ+ members, allies, leaders and teachers can take to minister to SSA/LGBTQ+ members, create safe spaces for sharing, learning and growing,...
2022: Finding Committed Community in Singleness
Session Description: God made all of us for healthy intimacy in the context of a committed human family, including those in long-term singleness. We’ll discuss different kinds of intimacy needs and...
2022: Recognize & Stop Codependency
Session Description: Join us in this unique closed door session where we will learn and have guided discussions on the topics of boundaries/codependency and intimacy with God. With Shannon’s...
2022: Viewing Your Same-Sex Attraction as a Superpower
Session Description: Have you ever felt different from other men? You’re not alone in that. As funny as it may sound, even Superman feels alone and different from everyone else, mostly because he...