north Star archive
Keynote & Breakout Sessions
2024: Embracing Your LGBTQ Loved Ones and Your Faith
Session Description: This session is for parents of individuals who experience SSA We will discuss “commonly asked questions” from the church website with quotes from church leaders intertwined with...
2024: Connecting & Belonging: Parents of Children Navigating the Complexities of Gender Dysphoria & Gender Identity
Session Description: Do you feel overwhelmed navigating uncharted waters with your child who experiences gender dysphoria, transgender, or non-binary feelings? Is there a gospel centered way forward...
2024: 12 Steps to Change: Climbing Life’s Mountains With the Power of Christ
Session Description: This workshop aims to give hope to those navigating faith challenges and staying or remaining in the gospel. We will talk about the 12 Steps, addiction recovery, and persevering...
2024: Healthy Friendships
Session Description: What is the secret to allowing ourselves to be seen and truly connected with others in healthy friendships? When we are able to see and hear each other, we build lasting...
2024: What Role Do I Play in the Pain I Feel?
Session Description: Do you feel like as hard as you try, this journey still remains as difficult as ever? It’s easy to point out the things or others around us that make our struggle difficult; but...
2024: Faith to Move Mountains, Friday Morning Keynote
Session Description: The human weakness God gifts to each of us is our path to increased character and spiritual power if we humble ourselves and have faith in Him. Wendy asks the audience to ponder...
2024: Straight People 101
Session Description: While it’s important for regular members of the Church to extend understanding and compassion to those of us who identify as LGBT or who experience same-sex attraction, we can...
2024: Maintaining Your Own Identity
Session Description: While your spouse is on a journey of self-discovery it can feel impossible to maintain your own identity. This becomes even more difficult when your spouse is working through...
2024: Walking the Covenant Path With the Savior at Your Side When You Experience Gender Dysphoria: Part 1
Session Description: Victoria and Dawn combined have over 120 years of experience traveling and navigating the journey of gender identity, incongruency, and dysphoria. Each life has a unique path...