north Star archive
Keynote & Breakout Sessions
2023: Exclude Not Thyself: Learning to Love Your Masculinity and Remove Self-Inflicted Barriers to Gospel Living
Session Description: It can be hard with all the distractions and enticements of the world to get a clear picture of our divine worth and the way to finding true joy. Skyler will share experiences...
2023: Identifying First as a Child of God
Session Description: This session will help to get a better sense of one’s inner compass defining who we are, not what we are. No matter the letter you identify with as your label, this may possibly...
2023: How to Be More Seen and Heard by My Spouse
Session Description: Is it possible to thrive in a mixed-sexuality relationship? In a culture that questions it, come listen as three couples share stories and insights from their own marriages,...
2023: Building Zion Relationships: Resolving the Obstacles to Being One With God, Ourselves, and Each Other
Session Description: Learn from personal stories, clinical theory, gospel doctrine, and some easy steps for improving your relationships. Target Demographic:GeneralPresentersForrest CallKimberly Davis
2023: Restoration Sexuality: Rising Above Harmful, Limiting Beliefs to Live God’s Expansive Design
Session Description: The adversary is the author of both pride and shame. Too often we can feel stuck between these two approaches—either being overly prideful, or stuck in shame and isolation, when...
2023: 5 Steps for Creating a Safe Space for Our LGBTQIA+ Loved Ones
Session Description: Our Heavenly Parents provided a Savior knowing we would need strength greater than our own. As we pattern our behaviors in Christlike ways, we emulate His love and provide safe...
2023: Healing Shame Through Mindfulness, Self-Compassion, and the Light of Christ
Session Description: The neuroplasticity of your brain is a God-given gift that is a key to healing from shame and cultivating self-compassion. You will learn how you can create new neural pathways...
2023: Allowing Gratitude and Grief to Coexist
Session Description: We all experience grief; some flavors are just more visible than others. This session will be sharing ideas on how to de-weaponize gratitude, identify grief even when it’s in...
2023: The Future of the North Star Women’s Group
Session Description: Come and meet the leadership of the SSA women’s group and share with them ideas that will help us be successful in helping each other strive daily to be covenant keeping...
2023: How to Find Peace in Your Personal Journey While Navigating Gender Complexities
Session Description: Is it possible to find peace in your relationship with Christ while dealing with the challenges of gender dysphoria? This journey can oftentimes be a lonely and challenging road...