Richard Ostler
Richard, a former YSA bishop, speaks in church settings about how to better create Zion by improving support for LGBTQ Latter-day Saints, those with honest questions, and anyone who feels they may not belong. He is supportive of the church, leaders, and doctrine—and also how to better support LGBTQ Latter-day Saints. He is the host of the Listen, Learn and Love podcast which provides a platform for Latter-day Saints to share their stores on many topics. He is the author of the book Listen Learn and Love: Embracing LGBTQ Latter-day Saints, Listen Learn and Love: Improving Latter-day Saint Culture, and Listen Learn and Love: Building the Good Ship Zion.
He is deeply committed to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and to creating more understanding and support for LGBTQ members and all members walking a more difficult road—a goal started during his service as a YSA bishop as he
learned to set aside past assumptions to better fulfill his stewardship responsibility to meet the spiritual needs of ward members walking unique roads. Additionally he has served as stake young men’s president, high counselor, and ward mission leader. He currently services as a primary activity day leader. He has BS from the University of Utah and an MBA from Brigham Young University, and is a small business owner. Richard and his wife Sheila live in Salt Lake City, Utah and have six wonderful children, and several grandchildren.