2022: Thriving as Single Men in a Family-Oriented Church

Session Description: Whether it’s wondering how to meaningfully contribute to Elders Quorum lessons about marriage and fatherhood or navigating well-intentioned ‘set-up’ attempts, single men in the Church often find themselves facing some complex (and admittedly,...

2022: Navigating the Journey of Faith

Session Description: Faith is not a static condition or a constant state, but a living relationship, an ongoing metamorphosis, a journey of peaks and valleys. In this breakout session we will explore that journey through various stages of faith, including periods of...

2022: Building Community – Bringing All Unto Zion

Session Description: A discussion on practical actions LGBTQ+ members, allies, leaders and teachers can take to minister to SSA/LGBTQ+ members, create safe spaces for sharing, learning and growing, and provide local resources and support. Target Demographic:General...

2022: Finding Committed Community in Singleness

Session Description: God made all of us for healthy intimacy in the context of a committed human family, including those in long-term singleness. We’ll discuss different kinds of intimacy needs and explore practical steps singles can take to cultivate intentional...

2022: Recognize & Stop Codependency

Session Description: Join us in this unique closed door session where we will learn and have guided discussions on the topics of boundaries/codependency and intimacy with God. With Shannon’s insightful teaching and facilitation skills, she will make this session a...