Myrna Moll
Myrna has learned to accept her same-gender attraction, she has grown with the Lord, and has gained a relationship with her Heavenly Father of faith and obedience. She feels at home with North Star and loves serving her brothers and sisters that walk with her on this path. Within North Star, she has the opportunity to work closely with the SSA women and learns and grow with them. Staying on the covenant path has brought great joy and happiness in her life.
- 2025: How Do I Follow Him?
- 2024: Learning How Church Leaders Can Support and Invite All to Come Unto Christ (panelist)
- 2024: Together We Help Build Faith in Each Other
- 2023: How the Armor of God Helps Me With My SSA
- 2023: The Future of the North Star Women’s Group
- 2023: Forging Friendships
- 2022: Navigating Marriage as an SSA/Bi-sexual Woman